Islamic Education in the Freedom Learning Era from the Perspective of Paulo Freire
1,2Muslikh Muslikh,2Jamali Jamali,2Didin Nurul Rosidin,2Siti Fatimah
1STKIP Nahdlatul Ulama Kabupaten Tegal, Central Java, Indonesia
2IAIN Syekh Nurjati Cirebon, West Java, Indonesia
DOI : https://doi.org/10.47191/ijsshr/v6-i1-62

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The teacher-centered one-way education system weakly influences the educational output. Teachers are likened to savers and students to accountants, regardless of their problems. This is the "Bank Style" education system being sued by Paulo Freire, who is striving to create a humanistic-dialectical and critical education system. Through Minister Nabiel Makarim, Indonesia carried out an educational innovation, namely the "Freedom Learning" policy. This policy emphasizes "Freedom and Independence" by designing education to produce superior human resources as student profiles. Instill the values and attitudes of independence, volunteerism, democracy, tolerance, security, order, and peace that act as agents of change that can provide solutions to various national problems. This research is qualitative technically in collecting data using primary and secondary sources in the works of Paulo Freire and Islamic Education, as well as the Freedom to Learn program. Data processing uses the hermeneutic method. Meanwhile, data analysis uses reductive, display, and triangulation methods. The results of this study are: First, it explains the complex reality of Indonesian Islamic Education in the Freedom to Learn era. Second, explaining, exploring, and criticizing Paulo Freire's significant thoughts on Islamic Education in the Free Learning Era. Third, analyze Paulo Freire's thoughts which are significant for Islamic education in the Era of Freedom Learning. Producing superior and independent human beings cognitively, affectively, and psychomotorically. The role of an agent of change, creating a productive and highly civilized society ready to face the competition in the global world.


Islamic Religious Education, Freedom Learning, Critical Awareness, Paulo Freire.


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